Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Your Life Was Not In Vain - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King Jr., We just want you to know that your life was not in vain.
You looked at the man in the mirror and set our to make a difference in this world - and you did. Happy Born Day to you - Stevie Wonder Style!

We celebrate progress in America due to the sacrifice that you and Reverend Abernathy and the many members of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) have made during the civil rights movement of the 50's - 60's here in America; Making sure that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were put into place. Ensuring certain unalienable rights of all citizens of the USA. America is a place where no one should be treated like a second class citizen - especially in their own home.

We as a Nation shall continue to make strides in the name of freedom and civil liberty and justice for all in this beautiful place called America!

(Reposted 1/16/12-
Photos: AP
Referrences: Andover Harvard Library, Wikipedia,, article re-posted from 1.17.11

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