Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Year to Remember

It's a nice crisp day here in Sunny California. The temperature is a smooth 62 Degrees and the sun is out.
I was just in Chicago where it was considered a heat wave for this time of the year - 33 Degrees; chilly for me, but nice, crisp and clean. It was a nice change for a few days.
We celebrated what we were grateful for (we gathered in a circle and each mentioned what family branch we were from, and said two things that we were grateful for) and completed the circle of life by having funeral services for my favorite Great-Uncle JR., the day after Thanksgiving.
My Great-Aunt Birtha called us all to her table. She is the Matriarch of our family, and lives in Chicago. She and Uncle JR. were married for 50 years.
We came from California, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, Louisiana and Bermuda. All to bid Uncle JR. farewell. We will truly miss Uncle JR.,
and continue to treasure our Great-Aunt Birtha. Life truly is a cycle...

I'm hoping that you and yours get a chance to reflect on what it is that is important to you, and tell those that you love, that they are truly valued.

Then get out of the house and do something fun!


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